


Company Registration

Save Time | Save Paper Work | Hand Holding | Cost Effective | Seamless Process

What is Pvt Ltd Company?

A private limited company is a limited liability entity incorporated under Companies Act, 2013. It has a minimum of two directors (with a maximum of 15). A natural person can be a director and as well as shareholder, where a corporate legal entity can only be a shareholder. In addition to that, foreign nationals, foreign corporate entities or NRIs are also allowed to be the Directors and/or Shareholders of a Company with Foreign Direct Investment, making it the preferred choice of entity for foreign promoters.

Some of the unique features of a private limited company like the limited liability protection to shareholders, the ability to raise the equity funds, separate legal entity status and the perpetual existence make it one of the most recommended type of business entity for the millions of small and medium sized businesses that are owned by families or professionally managed.

Requirements for Private Limited Company Registration:

Registered Office :

The registered office of a company does not have to be a commercial space. Even a rented home can be the registered office, so long as an NoC is obtained from the landlord.

Two Directors :

A private limited company must have at least two directors, At most, there can be 15 directors. Of the directors in the business, at least one must be a resident of India.

Minimum capital contribution:

There is no minimum capital requirement for a company. A company should have an authorised capital of at least Rs. 1 lakh.

Documents Required:

Identity and address proof

  •  Identity and the address proof will be needed for all the directors and the shareholders of the company to be incorporated. In case of an Indian national, PAN card is mandatory. For the foreign nationals, apostilled or notarised copy of the passport has to be submitted mandatorily. All documents submitted should be valid. The residence proof documents like the bank statement or the electricity bill must be less than 2 months old.

Registered Office proof

  •  All companies should have a registered office in India. To prove admittance to the registered office, a recent copy of electricity bill or the property tax receipt or water bill must be submitted. Along with the rental agreement, utility bill or the sale deed and a letter from the landlord with her/ his consent to use the office as a registered office of the company should be submitted.
  •  Scanned copy of PAN Card or Passport (Foreign Nationals & NRIs)
  •  Scanned copy of Voter’s ID/Passport/Driver’s License
  •  Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill Scanned passport-sized photograph Specimen signature (blank document with signature [directors only])
Note: Any one of the directors must self-attest the first three documents. In case of foreign nationals and NRIs, all the documents must be notarised.

Documents required for the registered office

  •  Scanned copy of Latest Bank Statement/Telephone or Mobile Bill/Electricity or Gas Bill Scanned copy of Notarized Rental Agreement in English
  •  Scanned copy of No-objection Certificate from property owner
  •  Scanned copy of Sale Deed/Property Deed in English (in case of owned property)
Note: Your registered office need not be a commercial space; it can be your residence, too.